In 2015 Paintings in Hospitals collaborated with Hayward Gallery Touring to bring world-class art to the patients and staff of Vassall Medical Centre, London, and now the National Spinal Injuries Centre, Buckinghamshire.

Michael Craig-Martin is one of the most important British artists of recent times. As tutor at Goldsmith’s College between 1974-1988, he had a significant influence on the Young British Artists, including Damien Hirst.

Michael Craig-Martin, A and B, 2007

In this series, Alphabet, Michael has produced 26 screenprints in which everyday objects, such as a book, a glass of water or an umbrella, are superimposed on the letters of the alphabet. Created in his signature style, these bold images are placed on a background of vibrant colour.

W by Michael Craig-Martin at Vassall Medical Centre

The Alphabet series is a play on the idea of the children’s ABC book. Rather than a straightforward 'A is for Apple' or 'B is for Ball', the connection between the letter and image is not immediately clear and may require a little guess work.

Our A is for Art family workshop inspired by Michael Craig-Martin at Vassall Medical Centre

This project has also featured staff and patient engagement tours and workshops, as well as a free family art activity open to the general public. In addition, the project encompassed a library of art-themed books provided by Clapham Library (Lambeth Council).

Our staff engagement workshop at Vassall Medical Centre

The aim of the project was to both improve the wellbeing of patients and staff, and to offer support for English literacy to local communities who use English as a second language.

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